Friday, February 13, 2009
Kenadie's new toy the bumbo chair, she does pretty good in it for 10 minutes and then is tired of it, I am hoping that it will help her build upper neck/body strength so she will soon be able to sit up on her own. She looks so tiny in it.
Tuesday night after work around 7 pm I gave Kenadie a bottle and as soon as she got 3/4 done with it she started screaming and screaming and acted like there was something seriously wrong and we tried everything for 4 hours and she was at the point of having a hard time catching her breath and if you moved her she screamed louder, I didn't know what to do so we made a trip to the lovely Emergency Room and wouldn't you know it when we got there and they started to look at her she shut right up and was talking to the nurse, can I tell you I felt so stupid! I wanted to leave before the Doctor came in, he came in and he said he thought maybe colic~seriously not at 7 months?! After 2 hours in the E/R and $150 later we headed home with a quite baby, she was fussy after all her bottles and she did end up with a low grade fever the next day, she must of had a small belly bug. Kenadie got her 3rd synagis shot as well today, poor little girl. Thank heavens only 1 more this year!
Okay this lovely Binky that I swear my kid would never have is something she can't live without! I have learned to bring a back up every where I go. On Sunday at church we were sitting in Sacrament meeting and she was chewing/sucking on it and she dropped it and it rolled and bounced 4 benches in front of us....just great! I couldn't see it for the live of me so I thought OK she will just have to have the cute nuk binky but no she threw a fit and we ended up out in the foyer still screaming her head off, so I tried to call Dave at home to have him bring a binky over but he didn't answer the phone~surprise, surprise. The diaper bag with the car keys is in the chapel on the bench, what was I supposed to do??? Kenadie settled down finally and the Sacrament was over and one of the Priests that was blessing the Sacrament came out with Kenadie's binky and asked "Is this yours" how the heck did he see that and where it went and how did he now I needed it......I told him thank you, you are a life saver! He must have seen it bounce and roll or something because it wasn't in the isle and his family was not anywhere near that seat. A silent pray answered!
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