Sunday, May 23, 2010

Things at our house are going. Not alot to say but I thought it was time for a post. Kenadie is growing like a weed and is so grown up. She just gabs and gabs.
Last week we all had the yucky flu bug that kind of got us all down started with Kenadie and worked its way to me and then Dave. Got to love it!
As far as the baby aspect of things, I had my Dr's appt last Tuesday and he did an ultrasound and looked at my cervix and when I saw the Perinatologist it was a 4 and 3 wks later it measured 3.1 So my Dr was a little concerned that it had changed that much, he said 3.1 was still normal but to have it change that much in 3 weeks was concerning, so he told me to take it easy and not over do anything and with any sign of anything to call him. I go back in a week and he is going to do the fibronectin test and then start the betamethason shot if that comes back positive and then get me out of Cache Valley. I sure hope things stay put and nothing is changing inside~I am only 24 wks 3 days today and I don't want this baby early, you would think going through it once would be enough for us! I just am hoping and praying that things will be good!


Jessica and Nathan Dana said...

Hollie! Good luck with everything. Its so scary going through another pregnancy after everything not going perfect the first time! We hope everything goes good and keep us posted!If you can we would love to see you on memorial day. a salad would be great!

Tianne said...

I just love this girl :)