Monday, June 14, 2010

Here we go again! update on baby!

Hello everyone, this is Hollie's sister Tianne. I just wanted to update you all on what is going on Hollie went for a complete OB ultrasound today and didn't receive the news she wanted! The babies head is down really low and the doctor is questioning whether the sac is making its way out. Her cervix is down to a 1.6 and the doctor is really concerned. Hollie has been admitted to the hospital for a few days and placed on complete bed rest. She will be checked again on Wednesday to determine how things are going. The doctor is hoping to keep the baby in for 3 more weeks. Hollie is 27 4/7 days pregnant but is measuring 28 3/7 days. The baby is weighing in at 2 lbs and 10 ounces. She has had her first round of steroids which is a blessing.

Please keep Hollie and the baby in your prayers.


Dana Family said...

You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers in hopes your not headed down this road again!

Melanie Draper said...

You know you guys are in my prayers!

symony said...

That is so scary I hope they both will be ok. Me and my girls would love to play with kenadie if you guys need any help with her! If holly makes it back home we could even come over to your house and play so you can rest!