Thursday, October 2, 2008

It is amazing what a little blood will do to such a little girl, when I went back up yesterday at 6:00pm they had just finished the blood transfusion and Kenadie's checks were already pink and she looked tons better, I got her out to feed her at 7:00 and she did awesome, it was like she couldn't get enough, she was a new little girl from that morning, she had so much energy and was so much more alert. Today she took her first feeding at 7:00 am with no problem and the Dr wanted to see how she would do with trying to oral feed all of the 8 feedings as of tonight she was taking every one of them (5 feedings) by mouth with out any problems at all. They left the IV in her head just in case they need to give her more blood, they are doing blood work in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are almost there! Can you believe the journey you've taken? I'm glad they didn't put off the bloodwork. It is amazing what a few more oxygen carrying red cells can do! She's beautiful. Keep taking care of yourself too. She's going to be home in no time.
