Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Today Kenadie had blood work done again because she was still looking very pale and so they decided to do blood work today instead of waiting for the weekend. Her hemoglobin was 7 which was low, (it was 10 last week) so this afternoon Kenadie is getting another blood transfusion, I couldn't stay to watch them put the IV in I had to leave, I went back 1/2 hour later and they said they got it the second time, they tried the hand first and that didn't work so she they ended up putting it in her head.
Dr Brown has increased her feedings to 50 ml every 3 hours and we are bottle feeding every other feeding, so we are (hopefully) halfway to being able to come home. I am hoping with this blood that she will get some energy to start bottle feeding more without getting tired.
Kenadie weighs 5 pounds 8 ounces.

1 comment:

Tianne said...

Hey Hollie, I just wanted to say keep up the good work. You are such a good mommy and Kenadie is lucky to have you! She will be home before you know it now. I love you guys!!!