Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Blessings just keep coming.......Kenadie's Dr read in her history that she has had this murmur since birth but it is the type of murmur that closes all on its on, at birth it was a 3 mm hole between 2 chambers and at the end of July it was 2mm in size and so that is why you can hear it some days and other days you cant, the Dr said it is so small and almost closed up, he was very happy with the information that he found out. Kenadie also had her 4th eye exam Thursday night and she is completely vascularized and there is no sign of any ROP, he wants to do a follow up exam in 2 months just for safety purposes.
Everywhere I go and turn people are always saying that Kenadie is in their prayers and I know that is why she is doing as well and blessed as much as she is. I get so touched when people tell me that their children (who don't even know us) are praying for her, it just brings tears to my eyes and I know that Heavenly Father loves the little children and pays really close attention to them. Thanks to everyone of you that has helped us along the way and has offered prayers in our behalf as we have seen them work and have felt very comforted by them all. We love you!

1 comment:

Jenson Family said...

Wow I can't believe how big she is getting.. She is still cuter than ever. I hope we can see her again soon. our kids can't wait they keep asking. keep posting her cute pics.