Monday, September 22, 2008

So when there is nothing new to report, I have learned that you should just keep your mouth shut! The Dr. told me that he heard a murmur in her heart this morning, he didn't hear it yesterday and he just discovered it this morning. Our regular Dr is out on vacation for a week so we have another Dr covering for him. He said it is very small and quite but something he wants to follow up on, he said he wants to do an ekg sometime just to see what is going on. They are also checking her hemoglobin tomorrow because she has been looking a little pale. She hit the five pound mark tonight, she weighs 5 pounds 0.1 ounce.
Today I got to breastfeed for the first time, exciting for both of us. Kenadie did an excellent job and I think she got more milk than she is used to in a feeding, she was like a person at Thanksgiving, moaning because she ate to much. The Dr said I can breastfeed once a day and then bottle feed 3 more times so every other feeding she is resting. That means we are half way there to coming home and it only took her a week and a half to get there. So maybe if she continues down the same path she will be able to come home in a week or two. I hope it is soon because it is getting so hard, I left the hospital crying tonight because I just couldn't leave her there! I was holding her and then went to put her in the bed and she started crying so I picked her back up and held her to my chest and cried, the nurse came in and I felt so embarrassed.  I held her until she was sound, then kissed her little head and put her to bed.


Melanie Draper said...

Hollie, I've got tears in my eyes for you. It's so difficult for us as mothers to leave our babies in the care of others. I completely understand leaving the hospital crying, I did it every day I had to leave Collin in the NICU. I just wanted to stay with him all of the time. I was more than willing to sleep in the chair in his room just so I could stay with him, but they wouldn't let me. Just remember that she knows when you're there, and I'm sure she misses you just as much as you miss her. Hugs and kisses to you both.

Anonymous said...

I am so thrilled that Kenadie is doing so well. When I watched you with her the other day my heart was so full of gratitude to our Heavenly Father for giving you this opportunity of having a baby of your own. You are such a great mom and a wonderful daughter. My prayers are always with you and Kenadie and David. I love you more than you will ever know.

Anaelay said...

You should never feel embarassed for loving your little girl! You have been on quite the journey, I'm sure your tears are close to the surface. I'm glad she is making progress. She is beautiful! You are all in our prayers! Lanae Lewis

symony said...

I just found your blog congratulations on having a baby!!!! she is beautiful her hair is so cute! What an amazing story I am so glad that she is doing so well! Hopefully she will be doing better and be able to come home that will be an amazing day! you are in my prayers! again Congrats on your amazing blessing!