Monday, October 13, 2008

Kenadie has found her voice....After her Doctors appt on Thursday and she recieved her 2 months shots, I think she realized that she does have a voice and she uses it. It was so sad to see her get her shots 3 of them. It made me want to cry along with her. The next couple of days were a little yucky she was feverish and her o2 sats were everywhere but I think that is due to a falty machine. I had to call Dr Brown's office to ask him what I should worry about, I have no idea I have never done the mommy thing. I barely made it through the phone call without crying. LOL. Things today are good, she is still as cute as ever and I want to take her everywhere to show her off but I make myself be house bound I am not going to expose her to everthing and have her get sick so soon.....Snug as a bug
Machine for sale, works great....NOT!
You would think that if you payed $700 a month for this
machine it would be great.
It goes off every little movement and it is driving me
insane! She is low 70's and the next second she is high 90's I don't think so!!!! I have gotten so I only use it when she sleeps and then
just watch her closely in the day.

1 comment:

symony said...

I am so excited that she is now home with you! Don't feel stupid about crying I cry all the time even when I just read your blog! Keep us updated on how your life is going!